Twin Lobe Roots Blower in Indonesia

Twin Lobe Roots Blower in Indonesia

Twin Lobe Roots Blower in Indonesia

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IVC Pumps Pvt. Ltd. is a Twin Lobe Roots Blower in Manufacturer, Supplier, and Exporter of Indonesia.

Our Manufacturing Unit is in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India.

Twin Lobe Roots Blowers, also known as Positive Displacement Blowers, are critical in industries requiring consistent air or gas flow without pulsation.

IVC Pumps Pvt. Ltd., a leading name in industrial solutions, offers a superior range of Twin Lobe Roots Blowers engineered for efficiency, reliability, and durability.


Suitable for vacuum and pressure applications.
Positive displacement machines with constant volume characteristics.
Oil-free delivery.
Easy maintenance.
Rugged construction for heavy-duty applications.
High precision helical timing gears for reliability and long life.
Split casing design facilitates easy maintenance and repair.
Low specific power consumption.
Heat resistant.


Distillation Coating
Vacuum Impregnation
Vacuum Freeze-Drying
Refining of Oil Industries
Space Simulation

What is the maximum pressure that IVC Pumps’ Twin Lobe Roots Blowers can handle?

IVC Pumps’ blowers can handle pressures up to 1 kg/cm², suitable for various industrial applications.

Are Twin Lobe Roots Blowers suitable for gas handling?

Yes, specialized gas blowers are available for handling gases like biogas, nitrogen, and hydrogen.

What type of maintenance is required for these blowers?

Twin Lobe Roots Blowers from IVC Pumps are low-maintenance but benefit from regular cleaning, lubrication, and periodic inspections.

IVC Pumps Pvt. Ltd. is an Twin Lobe Roots Blower Supplier in Indonesia Including Jakarta, Surabaya, Bekasi, Bandung, Medan, Depok, Tangerang, Palembang, Semarang, Makassar, South Tangerang, Batam, Bogor, Pekanbaru, Bandar Lampung, Padang, Samarinda, Malang, Tasikmalaya, Balikpapan, Serang, Banjarmasin, Pontianak, Denpasar, Jambi, Cimahi, Surakarta, Kupang, Manado, Cilegon, Mataram, Jayapura, Bengkulu, Palu, Yogyakarta, Sukabumi, Ambon, Kendari, Cirebon, Dumai, Pekalongan, Palangka Raya, Binjai, Kediri, Sorong, Pematangsiantar, Banjarbaru, Tegal, Banda Aceh, Tarakan, Probolinggo, Singkawang, Lubuklinggau, Padang Sidempuan, Tanjungpinang, Bitung, Pangkalpinang, Batu, Pasuruan, Banjar, Gorontalo, Ternate, Madiun, Salatiga, Prabumulih, Lhokseumawe, Langsa, Bontang, Tanjungbalai, Tebing Tinggi, Metro, Palopo, Bima, Baubau, Parepare, Blitar, Pagar Alam, Payakumbuh, Gunungsitoli, Mojokerto, Bukittinggi, Kotamobagu, Magelang, Tidore Islands, Tomohon, Sungai Penuh, Subulussalam, Pariaman, Sibolga, Tual, Solok, Sawahlunto, Padang Panjang, Sabang.

For detailed information or inquiries, please feel free to contact us.

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working principle

Twin Lobe Roots Blower available for flow rates from 60 M3 / Hr to 7,718 M3 / Hr to Working Pressure upto 1 Kg / Cm2. Roots Blower are Low Pressure High Volume Positive Displacement Machine. These Machine Operate on Differential Pressure and Constant Volume Characteristic.

Our Range Spans over 14 Air Cooled and 5 Water Cooled Models.

These Compressors are designed in such a way that the same can have vertical or horizontal air flow. Further, the Compressor with its standard accessories is being supplied as one compact unit which makes it very easy to install. It is also available as bare machine for replacement.

Blower are Suitable for Both Vacuum & Pressure Application. Pressures Note Developed inside the Blower by the demand of the System ( Application ). Differential Pressure, therefore, varies to meet the Load Condition and System Resistance.

Technical Specifications

IVBA - 1060 - 2331610 - 285015
IVBA - 1281 - 3891368 - 285020
IVBA - 14142 - 5421450 - 285030
IVBA - 16177 - 8001196 - 273240
IVBA - 19318 - 9871230 - 220350
IVBA - 22523 - 1,5271095 - 203575
IVBA - 26782 - 2,1821030 - 1825120
IVBA - 30879 - 2,478716 - 1287120
IVBA - 361,259 - 3,658606 - 1088180
IVBA - 422,197 - 5,822606 - 1088300
IVBA - 503,157 - 7,718512 - 856370

material of construction

  • Lobes or Rotors: The lobes are meticulously engineered to precise tolerances to ensure optimal performance and minimal wear over time. Their interlocking design ensures efficient gas transfer while minimizing internal leakage.
  • Casing: The casing or housing encloses the rotors and provides structural support. It is typically crafted from cast iron or other robust materials to withstand the forces generated during operation.
  • Bearings and Shaft: High-quality bearings support the rotor shafts, ensuring smooth rotation and minimizing frictional losses. These components are crucial for maintaining the blower’s efficiency and longevity.
  • Inlet and Outlet Ports: The blower features inlet and outlet ports for the entry and exit of gas. These ports are strategically located to optimize gas flow and minimize pressure losses.
  • features

  • Suitable for Vacuum & Pressure Application
  • Positive displacement machines with constant volume characteristics.
  • Oil Free Delivery
  • Easy Maintenance.
  • Rugged Construction For Heavy Duty Application.
  • High precision helical timing gears for reliability & long life
  • Split casing design facilitates easy maintenance and repair.
  • Low Specific Power Consumption
  • Heat resistant
  • Adjustable machine feet permit both horizontal & vertical flow of medium
  • Application

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